NEF Poznań 2019

II New Education Forum in Poznań
October 17, 2023 12:00 am
UAM, Collegium Minus, Sala Lubrańskiego, Wieniawskiego 1 Poznań

Competences of the 21st century and challenges of education


Changes in the labour market, globalization and regionalization, increased mobility of employees and the digitalization caused the education system has the greatest challenge in history. Employers have increasing difficulties in finding qualified employees, at the same time involved, able to work in a team, clever and responsible for the company’s results. Local governments face challenges caused by dynamic changes in the labor market, at the same time trying to reconcile it with top-down education reforms.

The educational system is becoming less and less effective …

What now? Collaboration! How can education, local government and business improve the effectiveness of their cooperation? What does the dream employee of the 21st century look like? What competences and skills are needed and how to develop them? How important is informal education and how important are foreign internships? How the local government can best play your cards? And what today’s youth expect from formal education?

Polish and International examples, speeches by experts from many countries, panels and workshops and good quality networking wait for you in the 2nd New Education Forum in Poznań (NEF) – Competences of the 21st century and challenges of education. Local Government – Employer – Education.

Who is the New Education Forum addressed to?

Employees , specialists and people who are interesting in education and labour market in:

  1. Local Goverments
  2. Bussiness
  3. Education
  4. Academic Institutions



Centrum Innowacyjnej Edukacji
