Our panellists

Paz Díaz Nieto

General Director for European Funds of the Cantabrian Government

Sabine Verheyen

Member of the European Parliament, Chair of the Committee on Culture and Education (CULT)

Prof Arnold Kłonczyński

Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality, Gdańsk University

Michael Teutsch

Head of Unit “Schools and multilingualism” in the European Commission’s Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture

Joanna Bochniarz

CEO of the Center for Innovative Education

GED Dowling

Co-founder, Terra Firma

Kuba Dorosz

Head outdoor Learning Trainer, CIE

Holger Haug

Co-owner “Die Seminarschneider“, consulting – training (VET), Germany Co-founder and instructor/trainer (experiential learning) “CEP – Centrum für Erlebnispädagogik“

Maximiliano Prieto Monson

Outdoor Learning Programme Director Madrid Outdoor Education & Adventure Therapy Europe Network Coordination Team member

Simon White

Operation Resource Manager, Venture Trust

Tim Schreiber

Policy Officer, European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Unit B.3- Vocational Education and Training, CEDEFOP

Dr. Monika Hackel

Head of Department 2 Structure and Regulation of VET at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training in Germany (BIBB)

Robert Plummer

Senior Adviser for Social Affairs, BusinessEurope

Dr. phil. Jule Hildmann

Senior Research Fellow in Outdoor Environmental Education at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland/UK

Dorota Czarzasta-Wardyn

Outdoor learning coordinator in Food Bank in Olsztyn, master of management and social animator, mental trainer, coach

Tomasz Frankowski

Member of the European Parliament, Member of the Committee on Culture and Education

Mariya Gabriel

The European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education, Youth and Sport

Jorge Gimeno Pawłowski

President ATLAND Consulting

Józek Borowski

Trainer OL in FOLM Project

Irene Lanuza Martin

General Director of Youth of Cantabria Government

Dr. Chris Lyones

Professor in Human Nature Relations in the Institute of Science and Environment, Centre for National Parks and Protected Areas

Yves Le Lostecque

Head of the Sport Unit in the European Commission

Maria del Carmen Lopez Cruz

Management and direction of international projects in Grupo Femxa

Irene de los Ríos Gutiérrez

Pedagogue in Amica Association

Aoibhín Ryan

Senior Project Officer for the LIT Development Unit

Grzegorz Radziejewski

Policy Coordinator and Economic Analyst in DG BUDG, European Commission

Abhay Adhikari

PHD, Founder, Digital Identities

Ines Ayala

Member of European Parliament

Dana-Carmen Bachmann

Head of Unit, European Commission – DG Employment, Social affairs and Inclusion

Łukasz Badowski

Dr, Education Department, Copernicus Science Center

Marcin Barański

General Manager, Meble VOX and Składy VOX

Brando Benifei

Member of the European Parliament, Committee on Employment and Social Affairs

Dominika Bettman

CEO, Siemens Polska

Marta Gracia Blanco

President, EUPLA

Krystyna Boczkowska


Michał Boni

MEP, Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Alan Bruce

Vice President, the European Distance and eLearning Network, Ireland

Jerzy Buzek

MEP, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

Brendan Burns

President, NAT at the EESC

Maxime Cerutti

Director of Social Affairs Department, BusinessEurope

Uwe Combüchen

Director General, CEEMET

Gary Crow

Professor, Associate Dean, Indiana University, School of Education, USA

Janusz Dedo

HSBC Bank Poland

Martina Dlabajova

Member of the European Parliament

Ellen Doherty

Director of Education at the General Teaching Council for Scotland

Stanisław Dylak

Professor, Chair of Department of Resarch on Teacher and Teacher Education, Adam Mickiewicz University

Michał Federowicz

Director of the Educational Research Insititue

Montserrat Gomendio

Deputy Director, Education and Skills, OECD

Patricia García González

Founder and President of Femxa Group

Katarzyna Hall

President, Good Education Association

Peter Higgins

Professor, Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh

Diana Jabłońska

Deputy Head of Unit, Directorate – General for Education andCulture, European Commission

Danuta Jazłowiecka

MEP, Committee on Employment and Social Affairs

Agnieszka Kozłowska-Rajewicz

Member of the European Parliament and of itsCommittee on Employment and Social Affairs

Jacek P. Krawczyk

President of the Employers’ Group, European Economic and Social Committee

Monika Lamparska-Przybysz

Scientif ic and Funding Access Manager, Polpharma S.A.

Thérèse De Liedekerke

Deputy Director General, BusinessEurope

Pirita Lindholm

Director, ERRIN

Michał Łakomski

Mayor’s Proxy for Smart Cities, Poznań City

Maria Mach

Director of the Off ice of the Polish Children’s Fund, Ms. Maria Mach

Jan Madey

Professor, University of Warsaw, Chairman of the Polish Children’s Fund

Kenneth Muir

Chief Executive of the General Education Council of Scotland

Tibor Navracsics

EU Commissioner on Education, Culture, Youth and Sport

Józef Niemiec

Special Advisor to the General Secretary of ETUC

Ana Carla Pereira

Head of Unit for „Skills and Qualifications” in Directorate General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion at the European Commission

Izabela Rakuć-Kochaniak

President of the PZU Foundation

Sofia Ribeiro

Member of the European Parliament

Andreas Riepl

Head of the Federal Center of eEducation, Austrian Ministry of Education

Arkadiusz Stańczyk

School Principal at Copernicus Academic Middle School And High School in Torun, Poland

Małgorzata Taraszkiewicz

Education psychologist, lecturer

Julie Ward

Member of the European Parliament

Sophia Eriksson Waterschoot

Director, Youth, Education and Erasmus+, DG Education and Culture, European Commission

Sigrid De Vries

Secretary General, CLEPA

Sertac Yeltekin

Head of the Corporate Learning, Grupo Unicredit

Małgorzata Żytko

Professor, Science Employee at the Pedagogic Faculty, University of Warsaw, Executive at the Faculty of School Education and Teachers’ Education