FOLM is managed by a transnational consortium, consisting of: Venture Trust and the University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom), the Government of Cantabria and Grupo Femxa (Spain), the Institute of Technology and Universal Learning System of Limerick (Ireland) and the Food Bank (Olsztyn, Poland). The Center for Innovative Education (CIE) (Poland) is the leader of this wonderful association.
This year’s NEF was inaugurated with a gala dinner, jointly organized by Agnieszka Kozłowska-Rajewicz, member of the European Parliament who participates in the Employment and Social Affairs Committee. Guests of honor at the dinner were Jerzy Buzek, mayor of Poznan, and Jacek Jaśkowiak and Iwona Kasprzyk, from the office of MEP Danuta Jazłowieck.
The conference of November 22, held in the building of the European Parliament, consisted of two thematic panels. In the first, we address the issue of how to reach young people with an educational offer. From the NEET to a qualified employee. The second panel discussed flexible learning pathways, and educational trends that seek to follow the expectations of the labor market.
NEF Participants and Panelist:
- Miembros del Parlamento Europeo: Brando BENIFEI, Comisión de Empleo y Asuntos Sociales del PE y Dana CARMEN-BACHMANN, Jefa del Departamento de EFP, Comisión Europea.
- Abhar ADHIKARI, Director de Digital Identities.
- Maxime CERUTTI, Director del Departamento de Asuntos Sociales, Business Europe.
- Patricia GARCÍA, Directora General de Grupo Femxa, España.
- Marta GRACIA BLANCO, Presidenta de la EUPLA, España.
- Amelia MORGAN, Gerente General de Venture Trust, Escocia.
- Maggie MURPHY, Gerente del programa de aprendizaje, Glasgow Kelvin College, Escocia.
- Paolo NARDI, Coordinador de Investigación y Cooperación Internacional, Cometa, Italia.
- Sigfrido PILONE, Director de la Scuola Camerana, Italia.
- Andreas RIEPL, Director del Centro Federal de Educación, Ministerio de Educación de Austria.
- Reinhold WEISS, Profesor, Alemania.
The Brussels meeting had its end during a networking session led by the President of the Center for Innovative Education (CIE), Joanna BOCHNIARZ. The main theme was the design ideas, plans and construction consortiums.