NEF ADVANCED is created for NEF’s network and its stakeholders to bring in a professional advice, experience and ideas within the areas identified by NEF as core, meaningful and necessary for further, next stage development of NEF’s stakeholders as well as to address NEF’s stakeholders unique and personalised needs.
After years of experience in creating a friendly, open and inclusive environment for NEF’s stakeholders we came to the conclusion that the next, higher level step is required.
We’re delighted to launch NEF Advanced which will provide NEF’s stakeholders with unique, direct and tailor made assistance aimed at chosen, topical issues which are new, vital, interesting or sometimes burdensome in pursuing NEF’s stakeholders paths of life.
For our inaugural workshop, we have partnered with Abhay Adhikari – the founder of Digital Identities. Abhay run Storytelling Labs in 12 countries. He was also one of the panelists during last year’s NEF in Brussels. His message aroused great interest among NEF participants. The choice of the first theme for NEF ADVANCED is, therefore, not accidental.
The theme of the workshop is: Using digital storytelling and games for behavior change.
This session introduces principles of game-based storytelling and how to use this approach to create positive behavior change. You will be guided to apply these concepts in your projects using our canvas. The NEF ADVANCED session will be led by Abhay Adhikari, Cori Moore and Jorge Gimeno..
The session is suitable for digital, research, policy, communications and project management in local government, higher education and civic institutions. As places are limited, we recommend you book a place as early as possible. For mid-large organizations, we recommend two people take part as this will help you implement the ideas you develop in the workshop back in your organization.